Our Partners

Our Partners

At Titan Greentech, our strategic partners offer our customers the flexibility, assurance, and personalized options necessary to distinguish their businesses from competitors. In the end, our customers can select from a curated range of partners whose service offerings enable them to achieve superior business results.

Sugai Accounting

Sugai Accounting are a professional, bilingual business and taxation accounting firm with over 40 years of history in Japan. They can support for tax structuring, reporting, auditing, for both your business entity and individual employees.

LTE Law Offices

LTE Law Offices provide bilingual legal services for multinational corporations. They have a wide coverage including International business transactions, Corporation and business law, Japanese Labour law and more.

Japan NRG

Japan NRG is a platform that delivers both information and analysis on energy and electricity markets in Japan. Using our broad network and research, we prepare independent intelligence on Japanese energy policies, markets, companies and people. Our flagship product is the Japan NRG Weekly report. Japan NRG is produced by K.K. Yuri Group. NRG Weekly offers a succinct yet comprehensive overview of corporate, market and policy developments, including from sources not easily accessible or available in English. Also, Japan NRG acts as a community space, connecting international audiences to the Japanese power and energy sector.


WeConnect are Japan-based, Corporate Secreterial, Accounting, Tax & Payroll firm operating in in over 80 countries. Their business is to help companies operate in Japan by taking care of their back-office so they can focus on their core business. Core services include but are not limited to: Entity formation and business license applications, visa support, employer of record and payroll services.

Case studies

Success Stories


SMA Japan

SMA is a global market leader, with a strong product line-up and reputation for quality in Solar & Energy Storage Inverter & equipment OEM.


Siemens Gamesa

Siemens Gamesa’s is offshore and onshore wind power, turbine manufacturer that’s grown rapidly in the Japanese market

Mobile Applications

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