
Corporate PPAs: the Ultimate Shortage of Professional Talent

Corporate PPAs are big business these days. Developers, off-takers, traders, and utilities are all in to secure long-term, price-stable electricity that’s generated from renewable energy. First and foremost, this means they need to hire people who can formulate, facilitate and structure CPPA deals. The PPA sector is still a young industry, however, and there are

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Establishing an Image of Stability and Commitment To Attract Talent

Last week a report was published in the U.S. stating that 73% of new graduates ranked job stability as their top priority when choosing an employer. Among the leading factors for this are the current inflation and rising living costs, as well as the widespread belief that a recession is on the horizon. People are

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Hiring the Wrong Person – Letting Employees Go in Japan

Regardless of the stringency of the interview process, the effectiveness of aptitude tests and the quality of references from a candidate, it’s still possible to make the wrong hire. There’s only so much that can be discerned through the interview, and sometimes those who have the hard skills and track record simply don’t adjust into

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